Home » 7  Easy-to-Use Character Generators to Beat Writer’s Block

7  Easy-to-Use Character Generators to Beat Writer’s Block

As a writer, you know that one of the most challenging aspects of the craft is coming up with compelling and unique characters. Whether you’re a novelist, screenwriter, or playwright, the process of creating characters from scratch can be both time-consuming and mentally taxing. But with the help of character generators, you can overcome writer’s block and find inspiration for your next great story.

Character generators are online tools that can help writers come up with new and unique characters. These tools can help you create characters based on different characteristics, such as age, gender, personality, and more. They can also help you generate names, physical descriptions, and even backgrounds for your characters.

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing 7 easy-to-use character generators that can help you beat writer’s block and come up with new and interesting characters for your stories.

Tetra Cube

Tetra Cube’s generator, designed for Dungeons and Dragons, can be easily adapted for any fantasy narrative. It offers a comprehensive and detailed approach, providing descriptions that surpass the standard background information. Additionally, the generator includes visual aids to aid in the visualization of the character.


RanGen is a website that is dedicated to providing a wide range of idea generators for various creative endeavors. They have a variety of tools available to help writers, artists, and game developers generate new and exciting ideas. One of their most popular generators is the character generator, which is designed to help users quickly and easily create unique and interesting characters. This tool is easy to use, and it generates a wide range of characters that are suitable for a variety of different genres and settings.

Seventh Sanctum

Seventh Sanctum is a well-known and respected online resource for those looking to generate random characters, settings, and plots. With an impressive collection of generators, it stands out as one of the largest and most comprehensive sites of its kind. Whether you’re a writer, game designer, or just someone looking for some inspiration, Seventh Sanctum is sure to have something that will suit your needs. They have an extensive list of character generators that cover a wide variety of genres, tropes, and fandoms. 

Random Character Generator

The simplicity of this character generator is its greatest strength, allowing for quick and easy creation of unique characters for your storytelling or gaming needs. The interface is user-friendly and straightforward, making it accessible for users of all skill levels. The randomization feature ensures that no two characters are ever the same, providing an endless variety of possibilities.

Masterpiece Generator

The Masterpiece Generator is a one-of-a-kind tool that provides users with the ability to craft a character profile that is uniquely their own. This tool combines elements of randomization and user input to create a truly customized experience. The user has the freedom to select whether they want a brief or a more in-depth profile, giving them the opportunity to tailor the generator to their specific needs.

Bardot Brush

The Bardot Brush website offers a user-friendly character generator tool that allows you to create a variety of different characters with just a few clicks. Whether you’re looking to create a human, animal, or inanimate character, the tool has you covered. One of the great things about the Bardot Brush character generator is that it’s incredibly easy to use.

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Lucalicatteart is a unique Tumblr site that offers three different random generators for creative inspiration. The first generator is for character traits, which can be used to help flesh out your characters and give them unique personalities. The second generator is for background details, which can be used to create rich and detailed worlds for your characters to inhabit. Lastly, the third generator is for fantasy identities, which can be used to create unique and interesting fantasy races or creatures.

These character generators are a great way to overcome writer’s block and find inspiration for your next story. By providing you with a starting point, these generators can help you quickly come up with a character and start writing your story.

It’s important to note that while these generators can be a helpful tool, they should not be used as a replacement for your own creativity and imagination. It’s important to remember that the characters you create should be unique and reflect your own voice as a writer.


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